How to Stop Choosing JavaScript Frameworks and Start Living

How to Stop Choosing JavaScript Frameworks and Start Living

Sasha Shynkevich (@neesoglasnaja)

Google Atrs & Culture. Knight at the Crossroads

Hi, my name is Sasha!

What is wrong with JavaScript?

#1. JavaScript is a bad language

ECMA-262, 10th edition
ECMAScript 2016+ compatibility table

#2. Too many tools

How it feels to learn JavaScript in 2016
Web Developer Roadmap

#3. Changes in the industry are too fast

A Netflix Web Performance Case Study
State of JavaScript — JavaScript Flavours
State of JavaScript — JavaScript Flavours (2020)

Fact #1. Browser supports HTML, CSS and JS

You Don't Know JS (book series)

Fact #2. You have to learn more and more

Fact #3. No one knows what is under the hood

The Vanilla JavaScript Repository

*Simple applications

*All-in-one tools

React Developer Roadmap

*Modular tools

What is a modern JavaScript framework?

They are all good!

State of JavaScript. Front-end Frameworks

How to choose a framework

In the end


What if I would like to compare frameworks?

RealWorld Comparison


Awesome WebAssembly Languages

JavaScript development could be...


One tool should not define your career